euro3 Our catalogue number The catalogue code is based on the first 4 letters of the issuer, followed by 1. Should there exist different issuers with the same first 4 letters, subsequent digits will be used. After a hyphen then follows the numbering: 01, 02 or 001, 002 when large series will be the subject.
The catalogue code is based on the first 4 letters of the issuer, followed by 1. Should there exist different issuers with the same first 4 letters, subsequent digits will be used. After a hyphen then follows the numbering: 01, 02 or 001, 002 when large series will be the subject.
Front of the token.
Usually the side where the company's name or logo is displayed
Back of the token
Usually the side where the value or purpose is displayed, but often blank.
The sort number is used to get the tokens in the right place on the site.
This number is for editor use only and may change if a new token is found.
If you have questions about this machine token, you can send me an e-mailClick to send an e-mail.